OST to PST Conversion methods you should be aware of
Some OST to PST Conversion techniques If your OST file is inaccessible or Outlook shows some error trying to access it then the best way out would be to convert it to PST as Outlook PST files can then be imported back into Outlook easily to access all mailbox data from original OST. 1. Import/Export Feature of Outlook This is a nifty little trick to know as Outlook import/export tool can help easily convert OST to PST. Here’s how to do it: – Open Outlook Go to File -Open and Export- Import/Export Select “Export to a File” from the window that opens and click on Next. Select Outlook Data File(.pst) and proceed. Select the location where you want to keep the PST files. There is no guarantee that this method will work especially if the OST heavily corrupted. 2. Use a reliable third party OST to PST Converter When thousands of exchange admins across the world recommend a tool then its hard to give it a miss – the EdbMails OST to PST Converter is unanimously hailed by most o...